Difference Between IVF and Surrogacy
Assisted reproductive technology options that have become most common among the options availed to many single and married couples are In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy. Both options provide...
Assisted reproductive technology options that have become most common among the options availed to many single and married couples are In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy. Both options provide...
Egg Quality: An In-Depth Analysis The quality of the eggs produced by a female is a very important factor regarding her ability to conceive and carry a fetus to term, as they play a crucial role in...
Varicocele is a very common condition which occurs due to the dilatation of the scrotal veins in men. It is knew to cause male infertility and discomfort in the scrotum in most cases. The detailed review...
There is also a term known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which is often referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and these are certain infections which are transmitted between...
गर्भधारणेदरम्यान लक्षणीय (Pregnancy Symptoms in Marathi) हार्मोनल बदल होतात. हे विविध लक्षणे ट्रिगर करतात. काही स्त्रिया गर्भधारणेची अनेक लक्षणे अनुभवतात, तर इतरांना फक्त काही लक्षणे असू शकतात....
Testicular atrophy denotes the pathological decline in the size of the testis or both testes, often associated with loss of function. It is a condition where there are many factors involved, which may...
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is an important hormone in human reproduction. It governs important processes such as follicle development in females and sperm production in males. Hence, any variation...
एक्टोपिक गर्भावस्था (ectopic pregnancy in hindi) एक गंभीर स्थिति है जिसमें एक निषेचित अंडाणु प्रत्यारोपित होता है और गर्भाशय की मुख्य गुहा के बाहर बढ़ता है। सामान्य गर्भावस्था के विपरीत, जहां भ्रूण गर्भाशय...
पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन डिजीज (पीसीओडी) (PCOD Symptoms in Hindi) एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो एक महिला के अंडाशय को प्रभावित करती है, जो एस्ट्रोजन, प्रोजेस्टेरोन और अंडे के उत्पादन के लिए जिम्मेदार प्रजनन अंग हैं।...