FET (Frozen embryo transfer)

What is FET?

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) involves using frozen embryos from a previous IVF cycle.
What makes it popular among couples is its success rate and the safety throughout the entire process.
In this procedure, the female partner undergoes an IVF procedure, but instead of transferring the embryos back into the cycle on the same day they are frozen for use in a future cycle. FET is considered advantageous as it offers ease of scheduling and is generally less expensive than fresh cycles.

FET Treatment

Timeline and Process

The overall duration of IVF and embryo transfer process is typically around 6 to 8 weeks. Let’s delve into the detailed procedure:


Initially, the doctors at Nimaaya Women’s Healthcare will inquire about your medical history and conduct specific tests. Firstly, they will start by reviewing your medical, surgical, and fertility history, as well as conducting blood tests to check for infectious diseases and genetic disorders. Additionally, the doctors will evaluate the quality of sperm and assess the internal contours of the uterus.


To regulate your hormone cycle, the team at Nimaaya prescribes 3 to 4 weeks of birth control. In most cases, they prefer to work with your natural cycle and avoid using injections.


On the second or third day of your menstrual cycle, the IVF specialist will evaluate your uterus and ovaries. If they determine that you are ready for the injections, the process will begin.
Over the next 10 to 12 days, your ovaries will be monitored through regular ultrasound appointments. Once they are deemed ready, the egg retrieval procedure will take place.
After the retrieval, the eggs will be fertilized and grown in the IVF laboratory for a minimum of 6 days before being frozen.

FET Preparation

You might have a question: On which day of cycle is frozen embryo transfer done?
Two weeks after the egg retrieval procedure, women begin their natural menstrual period. On the second or third day of that cycle, doctors will perform an ultrasound and initiate estrogen pills to prepare the endometrial lining. You will then undergo certain tests at regular intervals. After completing the process, the embryo transfer is scheduled for five days later.

Embryo Transfer

You might think, how many days after egg retrieval is frozen embryo transfer?

After 5 days, the chosen embryo will be carefully thawed in the laboratory. After careful examination, the embryo will be successfully transferred into the female uterus, where it will attach and facilitate the growth of a healthy baby.

Embryo Transfer

Pregnancy Success Rate

The frozen embryo transfer success rate is relatively higher because of the advanced technology installed that leads to less chances of its failure. In fact, chances for pregnancy increases using the updated fertility method to get embryos transferred to the uterus.