When it comes to Indian families, 9 out of 10 couples wish to conceive a baby through sexual intercourse rather than opting for other artificial treatments like IVF.
According to the National Institute of Health, infertility is a serious health issue worldwide, affecting 60 – 80 million couples worldwide, with 25% of cases occurring in India.
Rapid technological advancement and rigorous research have addressed infertility problems through various infertility treatments such as IUI, ICSI, FET, and more.
Among these treatments, the most popular is IVF( In vitro fertilization), widely adopted by parents who wish to extend their families.
In this blog, we will explore what IVF is, its IVF process, factors contributing to IVF success rates, and factors affecting the outcome, essential considerations to be kept in mind while going for treatment. Let’s get started and gain knowledge.
What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment in which matured eggs from women and male sperm are fertilized outside the body. The In vitro fertilization process begins within the lab of fertilization, where eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and combined manually with sperm.
After a few days of fertilization, the egg is placed inside the uterus. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo successfully implants itself into the uterine wall.
Couples often opt for IVF fertility treatment when one or both face infertility issues or other health conditions. The duration required to complete the IVF process is approximately four to six weeks.
The IVF success rates of having a healthy baby depend on two factors: the individual’s age and the underlying cause of infertility.
Besides, there are also chances of multiple pregnancies when more than one embryo is transferred accidentally.
Couples undergo IVF for reasons including:
- Infertility problems
- A genetic disorder in either partner
- Low sperm count
- Ovulation disorder
What is the IVF Process?

IVF is a complex process of fertilization that can be studied through six steps. We will study them one by one:
‣ Stimulating ovaries
Before beginning the IVF process, IVF specialists recommend you take injectable medication containing FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). This step stimulates the ovaries, controls the timings of the menstrual cycle, and maximizes the production of matured eggs during the egg retrieval procedure.
Let deep dive into the process
• Injectable hormone medication
Injectable hormone medication is utilized when women face the problem of not getting all eggs fully matured is overcome by injectable hormone medication that encourages the entire egg cycle to mature. The stimulation is tailored based on age, medical history, response to ovarian stimulation, and previous IVF cycle.
• Monitoring ultrasound
After medications, the doctors closely monitor ultrasounds and blood hormone levels. The objective of monitoring ultrasound is to check the size of each follicle, indicating the maturity of each egg it contains. It is considered that a follicle more significant than 14 millimeters indicates a sign of a mature egg.
• Trigger shot
When eggs reach their final maturation stage, a trigger shot is administered. This shot finalizes the maturation process of the eggs, preparing them for egg retrieval in the subsequent step.
‣ Egg Retrieval
In this step of the IVF process, a thin needle guided by ultrasound is gently inserted through the vagina into the ovaries. The needle is connected to a suction device, carefully extracting eggs from each follicle.
If eggs are not accessible, advanced ultrasound technology may guide the needle and retrieve the eggs.
The final step will be mixing mature eggs with sperm to create embryos. Remember, it’s not necessary that all eggs may be fertilized.
‣ Fertilization
Finally, the egg and sperm are fertilized using various technologies such as ICSI. The only thing to remember is that immature eggs should not be placed in a dish because they increase the chances of failure in the IVF process.
‣ Embryo development and transfer
After fertilization, the development of your embryo will be carefully monitored. The embryo would be monitored and must be able to transfer to your uterus because a few eggs might fail to make progress and need to be discarded.
The transfer of eggs begins with inserting a long, thick, flexible tube through the uterus into the vagina and a syringe containing one or more embryos suspended in a small amount of fluid attached to the end of the catheter.
‣ Pregnancy test
The final stage of the IVF process is where the embryo transfers itself to the lining of your uterus. The pregnancy through IVF will get confirmation only after the doctor conducts a blood test after approximately 14 days of embryo transfer.
Success Rate
IVF success rate in India is comparatively greater compared to other countries because of the facility of advanced technology, accessibility, affordability, and trained team of experts who have completed the IVF cases without involvement of any complexions.
According to reports, the IVF success rate in India falls between 30 to 40%. Whereas in Nimaaya, with 30 years of expertise and experience, we have a success rate of 75% in which couples have achieved their dreams of parenthood.
Success rate according to age:
• 25-30
Generally, between the age group of 25 to 28, the chances of IVF success are higher, with a success rate ranging between 50 to 60%.
• 31-39
The success rate of this age group is comparatively lower, with an average of around 40 to 50%. At this stage, the success rate becomes less because of the poor quality of the eggs.
• 40 and above
In the age group of 40 and above, IVF’s success rate drops to 20%. However, to improve the success rate, doctors have started using advanced technology such as assisted reproductive technology (ART) that has helped couples fulfill their dream of parenthood.
Also Read: IUI vs. IVF: Understanding the Differences and Choosing the Right Option
Factors Affecting the Success Rate of IVF
The success rate of IVF fertility treatment depends upon many factors, such as:
Quality of egg, embryo, and sperm
The success rate of IVF is often associated with using high-quality eggs, embryos and sperm. High-quality eggs are more likely to fertilize and potentially develop into healthy embryos. With the help of advanced technology, the success rate of selecting embryos with the highest chances of implementation and healthy growth.
Causes of Infertility
The underlying cause of infertility plays a significant role in the success rate. Conditions such as tubal blockages and severe male factor infertility reduce the overall chances of success.
Age of Women
The age of women is one of the factors affecting IVF success. As a woman’s age increases, the quality and quantity of her egg decline, leading to a lower success rate.
Women aged 20 to 30 tend to have a higher success rate as compared to 35 to 40, who experience reduced chances of success.
Duration of Infertility
Generally, the shorter duration of infertility correlates with higher success rates. In India, the overall success rate ranges between 50% to 60%, and women younger than 35 experience the chances of success rates. On the other hand, globally, the success rate is around 40%.
Also Read: Decoding Parenthood: Unveiling the IVF Success Rates in India
Important considerations for individuals and couples considering IVF
IVF Treatment is the best option for couples trying to conceive a baby. However, before embarking on this journey, you should often consider several essential factors for completing the process.
Beyond age and physical requirements, other factors should be taken into consideration. After all, by opting for IVF, you’re putting your money, time, and trust in one of the best IVF specialists to help you achieve your dream of parenthood.
Let’s dive deep into the factors:
As we saw above, one of the factors affecting the success rate of In vitro fertilization is the age of women.
With the increase in age, there are fewer sets or numbers of eggs and their quality also diminishes.
Women at 40 and above age struggle more with chances of miscarriage and conceiving a baby with more complications.
The whole process involves huge investment, the individual cycle involves cost-ranging up to $15000 excluding the medication involved during the process.
At Nimaaya, along with availing the best services with up-to-date equipment, the IVF process is completed within your budget.
Choosing the right facility
With all the other factors in mind, choosing the right In vitro fertilization center that prioritizes your well-being over increasing its success rates or is concerned about its brand image is essential.
As we discussed, the Nimaaya IVF success rate indicates the expertise of our team, infrastructural, and advanced technology that has been helping us to deliver outstanding results every year.
Physical and emotional challenges
It’s not easy for every couple to go through the rigorous procedure of In vitro fertilization. There is a mandatory requirement to be mentally and physically strong throughout the process. Because the decision is so crucial, there are sessions conducted at Nimaaya IVF Center by an IVF specialist who clears all your doubts you are having throughout the process.
Only after giving couples crystal clarity does the In vitro fertilization process begin. Let’s explore the physical and emotional that a couple goes through:
Physical challenge
IVF is a comprehensive procedure that might cause physical discomfort. From ultrasound and blood tests to embryo transfer via needle insertion, the process can lead to varying levels of physical discomfort, including urinating, dehydration, and an increase in weight.
Emotional challenge
After failure to conceive a baby, both individuals or either one goes through emotional weakness, depression, or tension. Similarly, if an IVF infertility treatment fails, the couples often become emotionally weak and blame each other for their failure.
We already discussed the factors that affect IVF success, such as the quality of the egg or sperm, the age of the woman, the duration of infertility, and much more.
Reversible condition
There are certain health conditions that a couple currently faces and can be treated. For instance, obesity, hormones, minor surgery, or any infection can be cured, and In vitro fertilization can be accomplished.
Consult One of the best gynecologists in Surat, Dr Pooja Nadkarni Singh, or Dr Yuvrajsingh Jadeja, Dr Birwa Dave and Dr Prabhakar Singh at Nimaaya to make your IVF journey beautiful and successful.
Is the IVF procedure painful?
9 out of 10 couples often find IVF to be painful. What do you think?
You might think injections would lead to side effects, but embryo transfer will be painful.
Don’t worry, we will help you answer all your queries and ensure you go through IVF, that’s not painful.
All you need to do is have patience and cooperation from couples going through the IVF process.
Let’s explore this in detail:
IVF injection
IVF injection is given to stimulate the ovaries to produce mature eggs. They are harvested and fertilized with sperm. The IVF injection doesn’t involve much pain but varies from person to person. It means that someone can experience a high level of discomfort when someone’s body is too sensitive. E.g., It can cause mild headaches, mood swings, nausea, and uneven menstrual bleeding.
Egg retrieval
During retrieving eggs, there is a possibility of experiencing cramps or discomfort for 5 to 7 days.
If this continues for more than a week, then it’s preferred to consult an IVF specialist for better treatment.
Embryo transfer
The embryo transfer involves placing healthy embryos into the uterus. This process might also lead to temporary pain and cramps, similar to the sensations experienced during egg retrieval. At Nimaaya, we prioritize ensuring minimum pain throughout the IVF journey for women.
Begin your IVF journey with one of the best fertility centers across Gujarat
Begin your IVF journey with one of the best fertility centers in Gujarat, Nimaaya.
Your dream of building a family starts with us. Consult our Best Gynecologist, Dr. Pooja Nadkarni Singh, or Dr. Yuvrajsingh Jadeja, for the best guidance and to ensure a smooth IVF or any other fertility treatment journey.
With over 30 years of experience in the field, Nimaaya stands with you at each stage of your fertility treatment. Our dedicated team will support you with updated technology and help you successfully conceive a baby without any complexions. Book an appointment with Nimaaya today and get on your path to parenthood with confidence.
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